Sample Resume

Resume Samples, Curriculum Vitae Samples.

Here's half of my @kevynaucoin sample sale haul! I'm pretty proud of the amount of self-control I displayed at the sale _____ Idk about you but I'm way less cognizant of the total amount of money I'm spending when things are heavily discounted/ cheap to begin with. 'Tis a very dangerous situation for my wallet. In comparison when I'm buying pricier items I'm always mentally keeping track of how much my total is as I go on shopping. Thankfully at the sale I forced myself to pause and keep track

Feb 2017 » resume

Here's half of my @kevynaucoin sample sale haul! I'm pretty proud of the amount of self-control I displayed at the sale _____ Idk about you but I'm way less cognizant of the total amount of money I'm spending when things are heavily discounted/ cheap to begin with. 'Tis a very dangerous situation for my wallet. In comparison when I'm buying pricier items I'm always mentally keeping track of how much my total is as I go on shopping. Thankfully at the sale I forced myself to pause and keep track

Here’s half of my @kevynaucoin sample sale haul! I’m pretty proud of the amount of self-control I displayed at the sale _____ Idk about you but I’m way less cognizant of the total amount of money I’m spending when things are heavily discounted/ cheap to begin with. ‘Tis a very dangerous situation for my wallet. In comparison when I’m buying pricier items I’m always mentally keeping track of how much my total is as I go on shopping. Thankfully at the sale I forced myself to pause and keep track