Sample Resume

Resume Samples, Curriculum Vitae Samples.

The Game of Design This would certainly catch a potential employer's eye. Created by a designer with work woes, 'The Game of Design' includes instructions and dice as well as research, client, visual communication and composition cards. We know it is said that employers only look at résumés for a matter of seconds but we hope that they would take some time with this one. Working in a creative industry, you would assume that they would relish a résumé such as this. We certainly do!

Oct 2017 » resume

The Game of Design This would certainly catch a potential employer's eye. Created by a designer with work woes, 'The Game of Design' includes instructions and dice as well as research, client, visual communication and composition cards. We know it is said that employers only look at résumés for a matter of seconds but we hope that they would take some time with this one. Working in a creative industry, you would assume that they would relish a résumé such as this. We certainly do!

The Game of Design This would certainly catch a potential employer’s eye. Created by a designer with work woes, ‘The Game of Design’ includes instructions and dice as well as research, client, visual communication and composition cards. We know it is said that employers only look at résumés for a matter of seconds but we hope that they would take some time with this one. Working in a creative industry, you would assume that they would relish a résumé such as this. We certainly do!